Tuesday 27 May 2014

Greatest Movies of All Time!

Heart touching Film - The Lovely Bones

This was one amazing film and I definitely cried. The story line was very heartbreaking and sad, based on a mature subject.The film is based on Alice Sebolds's best selling book "The lovely bones". The film centers on the aftermath of an enormous tragedy: the death of a young girl who dies by getting raped and the parents of that girl are role models because they don"t give up on her daughters murder case and they find a way  to cope with their loss of their daughter. I would recommend this film to any preteen because it's sending a good message to not to talk to strangers even if they bribe you with something that might sound very appealing, But be prepared to cry!

Best Classic Movie (1946) - It's a Wonderful Life

Best classic film ever made! I'm sure teens will love it as an engaging story.It features a witty screenplay and a grand old score. Younger kids may be drawn in by George as a youth. The strong message this film depicts is of being thankful and living life to the fullest. It also conveys an important message about the value of an individual life and how one person's action can affect all those around him. The best part of the film is how George Bailey, by showing what life would had been if he never existed.

It's a Classic for good reason. Watch it if you can. 

Great Animation for Little Ones - Epic

This animated movie is very creative and light. In my opinion it's great for kids 7 and up. I found the animation beautiful and the characters appealing. It was very creatively done and visually delightful. There is a central theme of good vs evil, as well as parents vs adolescent  story line that should appeal to kids. Basic aim of epic is to teach young viewers the importance of forest and its flora. The characters also teach kids why they should pay attention to their parents and live up to their potential. The best message includes the maturity it takes to stop thinking of just yourself and doing what's best for your people, and the necessity of the teamwork to overcome various obstacles. So, I give this film two thumbs up and kudos to the creative team.

Monday 26 May 2014

Movies based on True Stories

The Greatest Movie Ever Made! - The Shawshank Redemption

Great movie! One of my favorites and I could watch it hundred times and it would never get old. The movie compellingly portrays the grainy world of Shawshank prison that is populated with sadistic guards, a corrupt warden, and greedy fellow inmates. but the film also show the inmates forming a loving community of friendship and support despite of harsh conditions. It's an amazing movie of friendship and if you haven't seen this film I'll recommend you to watch it because behind harsh prison life is the wonderful and amazing story of Andy Dufrense.

Inspirational Quotes